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Top 10 Mistakes New Crypto Investors Make

Crypto investment mistake made by a man

Cryptocurrency investing is like riding the wild frontier, where exciting opportunities on one hand are balanced with their type of risks and pitfalls on the other. Steep is the learning curve, and high are the stakes for the new guy. We have conjured up the top 10 mistakes that new crypto investors tend to make and how you can steer clear of them setting yourself up for success.

1. Falling for Hype and FOMO

Most new investors are swayed by the hype of the newest “hot” crypto or get caught in the FOMO. That can lead to fast investments over mere speculation and not actually good research.

Always do your research before you invest in any cryptocurrency. Check the underlying technology, the use case, and the team behind the cryptocurrency. Do not rush into buying decisions based on market noise or price action.

2. Investing More Than You Can Afford to Lose

Most new investors invest more than they can afford to lose, impelled by the possibility of high returns. This is likely to result in financial stress and bad decisions.

Only invest money that you can afford to lose without it affecting your day-to-day life. Think of cryptocurrency investments as a diversified portfolio—not your whole financial future.

3. Ignoring Security

Crypto investors often neglect security measures that lead to the potential hack of their assets and stole it all. Bad security practices brought about losses in funds.

Only deal with trustworthy, secure exchanges and wallets. Most important of all, enable 2FA and consider hardware wallets to protect larger balances.

4. Ignoring Research and Due Diligence

New investors plunge into an investment without sufficient research; they simply act on advice from friends, social media, or forum tips without verification.

Do your own research. Read through the white paper of the project, the team, technology, and market potential. Stay away from unverified sources and unsubstantiated hype.

5. Overtrading and Chasing Losses

Overtrading or chasing losses by trading riskily leads to heavy losses and multiplied transaction fees.

Create an investment plan distinct and stick to it. Don’t become erratic traders because of changes in prices, but instead look toward development in the long term and be patient.

6. Non-Diversification

You could be putting yourself in a big problem by investing your entire amount in one cryptocurrency, especially if its performance is below your expectation. In this kind of situation, non-diversification can lead to over-exposure to higher levels of risk.

Diversify your investment into a variety of cryptocurrencies and other classes. This will hedge you from risks and help you attain a balanced portfolio.

7. Tax Implications Not Considered

There can be tax implications from crypto transactions, but some investors may simply not have the knowledge to realize the tax liabilities over the trades.

Familiarize yourself with the tax laws governing cryptocurrency in your location. Keep detailed records of your transactions and consult a tax professional to ensure that you are compliant with them.

8. No Explicit Investment Strategy

You invest with no strategy or goal, so your choices are erratic and can be expensive.

Develop an overt investment strategy according to the level of risk you are ready to take, your financial goals, and your time horizon. Once in a while, review your strategy and update it if need be.

9. Neglecting to Stay Informed

Cryptocurrency markets are very dynamic. In case you as an investor do not update yourself with regard to market trends and current news, you might miss some very important information touching on your investments.

Stay up-to-date through the following: credible news sources, crypto communities, and keeping up to speed in the world of cryptocurrency. Knowledge is power for making wise decisions.

10. Ignoring Volatility

Crypto markets can be very volatile. A naive investor might freak out during price swings and rush into a whim.
Know that volatility is part of crypto investing. Maintain a long-term perspective and try to avoid impulsive reactions to short-term price changes.

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